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Yeah it is the same one, blue bird tea, it’s pretty mental I remember the girl that runs it doing a few of these little tea blends off a table and now she’s on tv and has loads of shops etc. she’s done very well for herself. At the time it looked like a hobby stall, which a lot of these things are, but she must have had something else going on in her head to take it that far.
Might want to test it out at food festivals, I used to do these about ten years ago and there were a couple of stall holders (one doing tea, incidentally) that went on to have really big companies from it. It’s a good way to see how it’s received by the general money spending public rather than friends, family and general well wishers and without much outlay.
I’ve got some interlocking tiles, over 30sq meters worth, I’ll be selling soon if you’re interested.
This sort of thing
A clue to find it quicker - less crystal shoe, more Crystal Ship