First outing in a few months, in its new home, Auckland, New Zealand
Most stuff sold or taken - thanks to all those I've dealt with.
Rest is now packed up and will be coming home with me to NZ.
Thread can be closed (how do I do that???)
Original post updated. Most bits sold now so thanks to those buyers I've met so far - you've all been great to deal with.
Just a few bits left, most now going for free
Cheers man, good to meet you!
Yeah, I can post the brake at cost tomorrow.
Prices and sold bits updated. Leaving the country on Monday so wanting to get rid of as much stuff as possible; offers welcome.
Still going, PM incoming
Right, so both front and rear wheels appear pretty true (to my eye). Both rims have plenty of braking surface and bearings roll fine. Added two more close ups of the rims to the album. Let me know you want to come look at them?
Average condition as they've done quite a few miles. I'll check braking surface and trueness tomorrow in daylight and add more pics.
London Fixed Gear and Single-Speed is a community of predominantly fixed gear and single-speed cyclists in and around London, UK.
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First outing in a few months, in its new home, Auckland, New Zealand