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Member since May 2011 • Last active Jan 2025

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  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    I saw a trailer for this and was surprised at how un-rubbish it looked!

    I've only seen Christopher Abbott in a few things but they've all been great. Possessor and Black Bear being my favourites.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Tonight's viewing was Starve Acre. Not bad but didn't quite hit the mark. Slow burning, creepy folk horror.

    Any other suggestions for other folk horror stuff? (My partner won't put up with another viewing of The Wicker Man for at least a few more months).

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I'm not sure which year mine is from. Maybe I'll try and figure it out to see what the difference is. It's a great bike though, like a better version of the Pompino it replaced.

    An old photo that doesn't include the absolutely heinous newer Flite (in white 🤢) that replaced the Brooks and is unfortunately extremely comfortable.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Ah ok! I've chucked a gravelly fork on the one I got from you so the front end is higher than stock I imagine.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Hell yeah. How does it compare to the Day One you sold me? I guess the discs are the biggest difference.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    I've just been to watch Come and See at the Prince Charles. It's as bleak as everyone says it is. Absolutely incredible though. The cinematography in particular was fantastic, some really modern feeling shots for a film that's nearly 40 years old.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    The problem being that a packet of crisps from a French petrol station is usually about €4 isn't it?

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Edit: Never mind, being dense!

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    Cheers Beagle!
    I've ordered one of those hose cutters to hopefully make life a bit easier. I can't wait to fuck this up and make a huge mess.

  • in Classifieds
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    Even that is optimistic isn't it?
