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Member since Jun 2009 • Last active Mar 2021
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    Sage advice

  • in COVID-19
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    I think you are referring to the following recent news:

    “Now research assessed by the US Centers for Disease Control has revealed that surfaces in cabins occupied by infected passengers continued to harbour the RNA (ribonucleic acid) of the virus responsible “for up to 17 days after cabins were vacated on the Diamond Princess”.

    RNA is material that carries genetic information. It can indicate if the virus was present but does not indicate the virus was still alive. “

    I wouldn’t worry about that, the studies on actual viable virus that could infect a human have shown that 24 hours on cardboard and 72 hours on metal or plastic to be appropriate rules of thumb to manage your external packages by. Within those periods, the risk decreases rapidly at the beginning (like a Half-life decay)

  • in COVID-19
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    Milton fluid (for Babies bottles) made at a higher concentration is apparently effective against SARS-COV2 virus (according to their website). 1 tablet per litre of water, and wet or soak the item/area in question for minimum 20 minutes. Reckon it should be fairly food safe and easier to manage than meths or surgical spirit etc

  • in COVID-19
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    Working for a clinical lab, have been keeping an eye out for information on transmission routes and risks to protect our workforce, limited information to date but there is research (yet to be published in peer reviewed journal) which supports the 3 day potential infection risk of inert surfaces such as stainless steel. I found the Seattle times article referencing the research fairly reassuring of the relatively low risk of transmission outside of the direct person to person transmission risks which are well understood. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/coronavirus-can-stay-infectious-for-days-on-surfaces/

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    I doubt she’ll get a second date

  • in COVID-19
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    The virus is transmitted by respiratory droplets, and is classed as airborne. Airborne transmission can be by droplets - which do not travel far, and ultimately settle on a surface from which they can also transmit by contact, or can be aerosol, which are indefinitely suspended (smaller particle size). So this virus as a droplet transmission, would still be classed as airborne, and masks/goggles etc would in theory be an appropriate precaution in public places and crowds

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    They were Slade

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    This week is Good Money Week, there is relevant information on the http://www.goodmoneyweek.com site that may help you.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    I have air source heatpump for hot water, and in particular for underfloor heating. V small footprint outside, uses electric but that is mostly coming from solar PV. Is very effective for all hot water needs, year round. Do not have gas, but hot water tank also needs to be fitted with electric immersion heater to warm it to a certain high temperature once a week or so to stop us all getting legionnaires disease
