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Wow! I hope you didn't realise the failure the hard way... Presumably not or I guess you would have said. I nearly got ran over by a hgv when I was a student, fell in the middle of a fairly busy road after my ND side pedal snapped like this.
I feel UK weather and two years of use shouldn't be factor for something so critical to your safety. I'd be tempted to complain, or at least notify the manufacturer.
Ha! Thanks. I feel silly now I've googled it! I swear that when i looked it up over 10 years ago when refurbished the motor with that eBay kit, I couldn't find anything.
Hey video game knowledgeable people! (The only game I ever played - a lot, and enthusiastically - is Tetris, on the first Game Boy, so I've an extremely limited expertise)
Kids got a Switch for Xmas, it will be shared between 2 turbulent boys.
Any recommendations for a protective cover, that is dockable, has screen protection (unless this should be a separate peelable thing) and helps them keeping the thing as long as I've kept my Game Boy (I dug it out and played Tetris on Xmas day! 😃 )
Thank you all in advance! -
Saw the movie, very long time ago, don't remember the ref in the meme above, and don't want to re-watch to check. Good movie, but what @hugo7 said...