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Member since Aug 2008 • Last active Jan 2025

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  • in Rides & Races
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    Ah I dunno where I plucked the 100 miles from then!

    Bike performed admirably, there were a few bits of muddy grass and sfab along the way and as long as it was sort of flat I managed alright on the 28mm Ribmo tyres. Only had to get off and push up two steep off road bits.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    They’re all 30mm axle right? Probably means tiny bearings so bb will wear out quick.

  • in Rides & Races
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    I did my ride today as the Mrs is off tomorrow so keeping it free gets me brownie points.

    I didn’t really enjoy riding unlit roads and being out in the back arse of nowhere away from shops etc last year so this year I plotted out a Glasgow city boundary route. Twas meant to be 66 miles but faffing around, getting lost and a closed road bumped it to 72 so a metric ton if not an imperial one and for a solo effort I’m happy with that.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    New seattube, probably new seat cluster lug and if that’s the case then maybe new seatstays or at least the caps unless another example of the original lug can be found.

    Chrome will indeed complicate things though someone as experienced as Varonha can likely work around it.

    Expect repair cost to be in excess of the value of the frame, plus paint, plus chrome if you want it doing. Just the chrome would likely cost more than the value of the frame tbh.

  • in Current Projects
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    It works great. I’ve now picked up another, better condition Lucifer dynamo which has the much more toothed rubber cover on the input wheel and it didn’t slip at all on the commute home the other night.

    I believe the bottle dynamo has a bit of mechanical advantage in that the small input wheel running on the larger diameter of the wheel/tyre means it spins much faster than a hub dynamo does.

  • in Current Projects
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    Yeah they have a bit, can’t remember what the spec of the original donor bay was, doesn’t feel like tons of sweep.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    It’s a Bicycle Pubes bike innit?!

  • in Photography
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    Yeah fair enough.

    I think any electronic failures I've had have occured within the first year or two of a camera's life though so maybe if they've been knocking around for 20+ years and still working then they've kinda proven themselves to be fairly robust?!

  • in Photography
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    I'd counter that a lot of compact point and shoots don't have light seal foam or adjustable apertures and are perfectly capable of making lovely images without such things.

    I also see lots of people saying they won't touch electronically controlled cameras due to 'fragility'. I read loads of this when I was looking at buying a Hexar RF, everyone was like "mechanical cameras are best, buy a Leica, buy a Leica" but then using a much smaller voice to say "don't leave the lens cap off it though or the daylight will disintegrate the shutter curtain"!

    Given that I'd just given my dad back his very electronic Konica FS1 slr which each of us has had a good 20 years of use out of, I considered the Hexar that was half the age to be a gamble worth taking.
