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I used to post around here quite a bit, and i've recently seen some of you guys ordered my zine. Thanks.
So i'm looking for two things right now.
first i'm ALWAYS looking for contributors. anything you'd like, i'd love to use.
Second, I'd like to do an article on London Bike Polo. I'm going to post around in a few spots, shoot some emails etc., but i'd like to gather some more infor from a lot of different players. Mostly for these features it's just photos, with small blurbs about the photo. issue one i covered a bit on Tokyo.
my email is
bikepolozine(@t) gmaildotcom
-Krist -
thanks for the input guys, i totally agree on both points. I'm taking my time on the second issue, not worrying about a dead line per say this time. I already have more content, especially in the way of reviews and articles.
The big thing for these scene reviews is photos. I want to try to get a diverse amount, especially in a scene so large.