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Member since Dec 2007 • Last active Apr 2019
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    Hi everyone, long time no see.. I'm living in Berlin now for two and a half years and I've finally gone through my 2008 wheels.. Been searching and can't find a thread related to decent fixie mechanics in Berlin. Trouble is all the fixie-specific bike shops I've found here are so high end I am not allowed to set foot inside, and they don't really want the business .. and all the normal bike shops I've tried can't help (to be fair i'm in the west so I might well me missing something east... anyone have any experience? I need either a new back wheel or replacement barings and a new rim.. nobody I've found so far could help

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    Yeah, it seems ToB is out the picture really, which is actually great news! Let's hope when it's on that it really has moved on as we have been told and not like it was in 2010 with local "aspiring model or a drama student"s being paid £50 for being "presentation hostess"'s..

    British Cycling and British teams it is then.. in relation to Team Sky a friend mentioned that Rapha would probably listen to us if we were to threaten them with boycott as obviously we're a hard core of their customers...also fi'zi:k might listen..

    @plexarice no idea what is next but yes, I think it is best if it's aimed at a Race as a deadline..

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    @Scoot that sounds like an awkward experience!

    @miro_o I agree about the petition being too broad...am trying to write up a better campaign over at: (if the link works this time..) :

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    ok cool, Aviva it is then...

    Also, am interested in the comments on the article @cliveo posted above - as they give you Tour de France at least the role of 'podium girl' has other aspects that are important to the running of the race.

    So it's not simply ban podium girls and replace them with junior riders... I guess we're petitioning to split this role... there would need to be a host or hostess (who can have any appearance whatever) and would have the job of looking after and organising the young riders who will give the prizes along with all the other jobs the 'podium girl' did... Trouble is here I'm assuming the role is the same in the Tour of Britain as it is in the Tour de France... so there may be some tweaking.. Seen as in this article about the Tour of Britain: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/aug/16/podium-girl-tour-of-britain
    the women are being offered £50 for a days work I'm guessing the Tour of Britain role might be pure podium..

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    @Katie-Coo That's not my petition. I didn't start it up, I just signed it last night...

    You're right. That's why I'm on here talking about it so I can write something that will be taken seriously..

    @The_Seldom_Killer I'm not a Londonist either i'm in Bristol now...

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    so, it seems to me that the campaign to start with would be to try to get the upcoming Tour of Britain to drop the podium girls and go with local junior riders of both sexes.

    Sounds like a goer.
    As I said before, It's be great to team up with a few ppl and put together some copy and a game plan...

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    yep.. and £50!

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