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Member since May 2020 • Last active Jan 2025

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  • in Rides & Races
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    Psychopath drivers and open drains. By that stage you are knackered.
    (Would still ride it though it just doesn’t seem the same to do 1.75 Dynamo)

  • in Rides & Races
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    The Epping to Hackney bit is fucking horrendous

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Life was so much more fun back then……

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    They impounded the bike until all of the documents had been verified by the Portuguese Police. This was pre email attachments and neither force were in a rush so it took months.

    He also got charged with every minor offence they could dream up.(a traffic officer once bragged to me he could find a fault on any vehicle even a brand new one, I pointed out to him his own number plate didn’t have the manufacturer’s postcode on it)

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    This loophole would work if you're questioned at Dover

    This isn’t guaranteed you are expected to take it to the nearest Center that can do an IVA as a friend of mine found out with an imported motorbike.

    I worked with a Portuguese motorbike courier in about 1999 who rode a black BMW on Portuguese plates so ignored parking tickets etc.
    he got pulled over by the police who noticed the mph speedo so looked a bit deeper, it was an ex/Northumbria Police bike he had bought here and re registered.
    He ended up in loads of trouble

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Maybe build the houses out of wet clay and let the next fire turn them into brick

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    So I thought I’d watch a bit of Cycling Mikey on YouTube. Nice advert

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    (Not being argumentative at all)
    Could you really rebuild a wheel with a new hub in 30 mins? Tyre off to tyre back on?

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Ive been meaning to confess this for many years……
    I’ve never got the funny extra triangle in GT frames, it’s just not necessary

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    “I spent 4 years as a student in Sheffield” …..Sheffield is almost Derbyshire
