What was the greatest ride?

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  • Similar to the Greatest Thread thread but different. What was the best forum ride?

    I’m a relative new comer here so I imagine there’ll be a load of stories of OG rides and stuff.

    For me highlights were the @mashton IKEA ride which was a grand day out that I still tell people about to this day. Having a different IKEA delicacy at each stop for the meals of the day was brilliant.

    I also enjoyed the Bike Tag anniversary ride which was good fun.

    The bridges I’ve done have always been a joy, I think the first one I did was just before the 2020 lockdown which was weird but the busy one that I think was part of MA3K’s leaving the country series of rides was much better.

    And with that series in mind the Deal With It I did that year was also amazing.

  • I remember a bridges ride with, we reckoned, over 200 people. Someone videoed us all rolling out over Tower Bridge, and it just went on and on...

    The marathon rides were always a blast, the long distance rides (Bournemouth, Bath, etc.), and of course the TNRCs, which have been nothing short of life changing (and I hope will still persist beyond the end of days).

    Most of the finest memories involve finding myself in weird places, at weird times of the night, in weird states of mind, surrounded by some of the most incredible people I've ever met. (Oh, hi mum, I'm just riding to Brighton at midnight with some strangers I found on the internet).

  • The original marathon ride was one of my all time favourites, just for the sheer surprise and joy that we were allowed to ride round the whole course.

    London marathon ride on Vimeo

  • My personal favourites are the very first bridges ride, which I did geared as I hadn’t built up my fixed, was awaiting the frame. The clearest memory for me was the incremental ratcheting up of the pace as we approached every bridge until everyone was sprinting like we were all trying to win the last stage of the tour. Woke up the next morning so with my legs aching hardly able to move, but with the biggest grin for the rest of the day.

    Other one would be the ride where our journey intersected with the legend that is @Sainsburys_Ed not sure if it was Brighton or Cambridge. But Ed saw us rolling and after a brief conversation, joined us to our destination.
    Oh also @briankwan buying some mickey d’s as we were rolling out of london and waiting until we were halfway to our destination before pulling out cold burger/macmuffin/fries and eating them as we had a rest stop.

    Good times!

  • Should have included that one as well.. good times

  • Velonotte ride was amazing.

  • Any of the rides that I made it home alive after West beers would count.

  • the rolling to the stones series were always great. hyde park to stonehenge watch the sun rise ( occasionally ) hug some stones and then see how far you could ride back before your body gave up and hop on a train. sleeping outside salisbury cathedral, full fry up and a pint at a weatherspoons at 8 in the morning in salisbury before the return journey, juggling wizards and warlocks misty mornings on salibury plain lots of good memories.
    the later ones to avebury were also a delight and a bit more chilled. always a good peleton on those rides.

    football stadiums rides were also great. the one with corny sitting down to a full fry up in the middle of a ride in an all day breakfast place will always stay with me. at least he didn't bonk near the end !
    hey up corny !

    marathon ride where JD got himself on breakfast tv with that all time classic line..... hiya

    bridges with 200 riders as mentioned above was a classic. the video crossing the wobbly bridge is ace.

  • Rapha TTT

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  • rolling to the stones

    Yes. Don't think I'll ever forget the one of those I did!

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  • The (slightly damp) Southend ride...

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  • dazzlers on the hour every hour rollup breaks. who was the guy on the flouro bike. i can't remember his name or think i ever met him again but we rode back from stonehenge to the m25 together the next morning. stop off in winchester for some food, lovely ride through surrey , past chalk streams and the water cress farms in the chobham / ottershaw area ? i always remember that round trip.

  • You'd have to dig out the original thread. I only remember you and Dazzler.

    The Dunwich Dynamo rides were "fun".

    @Black_Rainbow_Project and his hammock in that wet/freezing edition.

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  • I do not remember eating a full English during the football stadiums ride, but it sounds like a thing I would do.
    Good times.

  • Not so much a ride, but the Nocturne's were fun.

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  • Another London 2 Brighton

    (just realising I used to do a lot of social rides before I got lost in the world of TTing)

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  • That was a Southend ride I think. We were just rolling out from the brick lane courts down Bethnal Green Rd when we saw a guy on a fixed legging it the other way. We thought he was a late participant so gave him a shout and he duly turned around and rode with us to Southend. Turns out he didn't know about the ride, had never heard of the forum, and had just been on his way to Saino's to get some milk!

    The next day he joined the forum and a legend was born.

  • Who was that?

    Remember collecting a few randoms on the bridges ride.

  • When my old fixed eventually died a few years back after being abandoned in the shed (Scotland has hills, my knees enjoy gears!) I saved these spoke cards

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  • ^that l2b night ride was great fun and I think I still have the spoke card somewhere as well.
    If memory serves we acquired some American tourists who’d borrowed friends bikes and joined us as far as Gatwick perhaps? Def remember it being the foggiest forum ride I ever did.
    I seem to remember starting that ride drunk and going through all stages of drunk-hungover-painfully sober along the way.

    Remember a good Southend ride that me and @Stix did on some janky old touring tandem I had for a while.
    We had the route notes pinned to the back of my jersey so she could call out directions. Due to the magical powers of the tandem we just about managed to keep up with some of the chaps at the front who were getting their pace on.

    Any of @|³|MA3K Ride Easts, all of them were legendary.
    Vintage Jersey ride out into Essex was a good un as well.
    First couple of tweed runs before it became an unmanageable monster.

    Not a ride as such but Swaintoux was also a great day.


  • ooh, I was on that Brighton ride, I wonder if I still have the spoke card, it glowed(ish) in the dark if I remember correctly.

  • One of my faves was a TNRC lap of the Isle of Wight overnighter.

    Especially everyone legging it out of the pub just before midnight so we started the ride on a Tuesday to make it a TNRC ride.

  • And helping the guy at spoons to open up in the morning so he could get brekkie on for us.

  • Yep, definitely glowed :)
    I’m also pretty sure some lad did that ride brakless on a 24” front wheel lopro clown bike although I might be confusing that with another l2b..

  • Yes, eating our sarnies on the cliff top staring out into the absolute blackness of the channel, rolling down the hill in Cowes, straight onto the first chain ferry of the day, a 'spoons breakfast (or two in some cases), and sinking pints in the sun outside the King Lud to end it.

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What was the greatest ride?

Posted by Avatar for ric_a5 @ric_a5
