• #1427
..see previous page 🙂
• #1428
Oh great, totally missed that one :)
• #1430
My chilli plant chillied! It's been outside at work and was definitely late to the party but a few fruited. Have bought inside. Any advice welcomed. Can it survive indoors over winter?
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• #1431
Yeah it’ll be fine on a windowsill, we were harvesting chillis in January this year.
• #1432
Excellent. It's a beautiful plant too. My photo doesn't do the colour of the leaves justice at all
• #1433
Just do what you can to keep it as warm as possible and as many hours of daylight as possible. Could always get a grow light bulb to pop in a desk lamp to give it an extra few hours light in the evenings.
• #1434
Had our work Christmas do in Leeds, pleasant surprise in that there was a chilli/hot sauce shop right outside where I’d parked (with a Greggs next door, no less).
The black garlic sold me on this one and it’s very nice.
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• #1435
Hell Jam has arrived, delicious but not for the feint hearted.
Muchos gracias @Cazakstan
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• #1436
I'm so glad you like it, and that it made it through the post safely. I think the F1 Armageddon chillies I grew definitely gave this latest batch an extra sprinkle of hell..
• #1437
It’s definitely the fiercest thing I’ve consumed all year :)
You gonna go for it and sow Reapers next year?
I’ve got a couple of bhut jolokia variants but they look like they’ll top out at around 1million scobles max.
I don’t like the superhots quite enough to grow anything overly insane but maybe just one little plant on the balcony -
• #1438
I got seeds 2 years ago for Christmas. Loads, reaper, naga, bhut jolika etc. Would they still be good?
• #1439
Maybe, definitely worth a try.
Soaking them for a few hours in lukewarm tea(without milk) is supposed to help break the seed coat down a bit.
Damp paper towel in a ziplock bag somewhere warm has never failed me to get germination.
Hotter varieties sometimes take longer to germinate than others but not always.I germinated sweet peppers this year that were 2 years past their ‘sow by’ date so I’d certainly give them a whirl.
• #1440
I'm going to try my best, maybe stick a few near each other and hope for hybrids?!
• #1441
Use a soft paint/makeup brush to make your own hybrids by cross pollinating. I’ve never done it with chillis before but did it a few times back in the day when I was into indoor farming.
-Cover a handful of flowers with a small ziplock bag as soon as they start to form but haven’t opened yet.
-Cross pollinate once they’ve opened and re-cover to prevent further contamination.Once the fruit has started forming you can remove the bag but worth tagging the branch somehow so you know which fruits contain the intentionally crossed seeds.
It’s a bit of a slow process but worth the effort. Obvs the fruits that form will be the result of the original genetics, only the seeds within will be the hybrid strain :) -
• #1442
I love this forum and I hope it lives on, it's where I get all my best tips!! Thanks :)
• #1443
You on the discord yet? I’ll be getting the chilli, allotment and gardening threads up and running asap
Edit- we now have those threads up under ‘outdoor living’ channel
• #1444
I am in there, the first time I've used Discord so I'm settling in.
• #1445
This is the first (and only) fruit from my 2024 chilli plants that were grown at home. My windowsill tomatoes are still fruiting too. I don't know how.
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• #1446
Out of curiosity - when did you start?
• #1447
March iirc so a bit late but not massively so. Nothing grew on, this plant is tiny still.
At least it might be my 2025 heavy cropper given the head start it has had...
• #1448
..indeed 👍
Sounds like some sort of conspiracy theory, but 2024 was quite a bad year chili-wise, for a few people I know, myself included. Small plants, not many berries.
Depending where you live and how sunny the summer is obviously March isn't really too late, but still, the only times where I had really big, bushy plants with lots of (ripe) fruit were the years where I started them (indoor, with artificial light of course) end of January to mid February..
• #1449
I’d say we had an ok year, tons of berries, no disease but plants were all a bit small. A couple of varieties struggled to ripen even though they’d been started in January. The sugar rush stripy in particular was a really slow one- harvested everything in oct/nov but they were still mostly green.
Lfgss lemon is definitely a reliable plant.
14 varieties just gone in this evening
Evil white
Bhut jolokia white
Sugar rush bell
Golden nugget
Sugar rush stripy
Hot wax
Misc Caribbean
Jalapeño white variegated
Turkish snake
ShishitoI’ll do the sweet peppers in a week or so, I haven’t planted any lfgss aji lemon this year but got a couple of plants I’m hoping will survive the winter.
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Anyone got any small batch chilli sauce recipes? Looking for ones that only use 100g or so of chillis. Want to do separate ones instead of mixing varieties together.