• #202
Because I know I'm shit and would be walking everything so I may as well be pushing the lightest thing around I can find but still roll down any roads :)
• #203
Saw this and thought you. Well, actually - thought of my misses - but think she needs something a touch slacker. This is an early Solaris Max when the geo was more modern XC than modern Trail. Bargain at the mo.
• #204
A mate of mine, Josh, is currently attempting a winter round. Slow going - but he's making progress https://www.followmychallenge.com/live/winter-ht550-josh-murphy-2024/
• #205
Proper weather at the moment. Will be some post holing I bet.
• #206
does madame perhaps require a suspension fork to go with speculative new frame? am selling a 29/140mm one and can come down in price a tickle.
https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/401109/#comment17603183 -
• #207
Probably too slack for going fast but I did the Cairngorms Loop* on a Genesis Tarn.
*pushed lots.
• #208
Rich Seipp had a go at it this winter as well. Not sure how far round he made it but he sacked it off fairly quickly.
If I was riding it I'd take a 6kg road bike with no pedals.