• #16602
Light on the saddle instead?
• #16604
Thought this would be the case. Guess that why people get the Brompton rack so they can mount it on that.
• #16605
I’ve seen this on AliExpress (but don’t have it myself) 3rd picture appears to show it fitted to a Brompton.
https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005005957208012.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller.14.4f25LmZJLmZJfe&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.40050.354490.0&scm_id=1007.40050.354490.0&scm-url=1007.40050.354490.0&pvid=a9e657e2-52e6-462b-82c1-57e9b91d8b4b&_t=gps-id%3ApcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller%2Cscm-url%3A1007.40050.354490.0%2Cpvid%3Aa9e657e2-52e6-462b-82c1-57e9b91d8b4b%2Ctpp_buckets%3A668%232846%238114%231999&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21GBP%2119.95%2115.56%21%21%2125.16%2119.62%21%402103872a17241768135707541eed02%2112000035031018626%21rec%21UK%21%21ABXZ&utparam-url=scene%3ApcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller%7Cquery_from%3A&gatewayAdapt=glo2vnm -
• #16606
Different rack and cant seem to find the photo you're referring to.
• #16607
Yeah I see that. Quite liked the shape of the other one though. But this seems like a decent alternative..
• #16608
Is there a reasonable priced version of the clip that holds the rear triangle to the seat tube, so that it does not drop down when you try to lift the rear wheel by lifting the saddle. Sorry, I'm not even sure that makes sense to me.... but you get the idea ;-)
• #16609
Unfortunately you need the whole assembly, as the clip and stopper disk are integral to each other. This is the official kit, and has everything you need to change an older Brompton without the folding qr to the qr option https://www.sjscycles.co.uk/frames/brompton-rear-frame-clip-retrofit-kit/
• #16610
Spa Cycles used to sell a C-shaped steel clip for about £4 specifically to stop the SWB Brompton rear triangle from dropping when the saddle was lifted. It arched over the suspension block and was released to allow the fold to start. The Spa clip was completely obsoleted when the LWB frame was introduced, along with its new frame clip.
• #16611
Not a clip but a toe strap or a zip tie does the same job when looped around the seatpost.
Not as tidy or nifty but very reasonably priced.
• #16612
Covers the financial situation again (which was probably covered better on there than on this article!). Would love to know what they're going to do about staff relocation.
• #16613
Those figures are for FYE March 2024 and I find the 8m spike in Administrative expenses pretty interesting.
• #16614
I trawled last night and found this, although ...
1, Quality ?
2, Think I'd need to modify the bolt thru the rubber bung !?
3, still £13 inc'l post
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• #16615
Accounts as attached for anyone who's curious.
Per the Financial Times, "However, operating costs rose 15 percent to £62.7m, equivalent to just over half its revenues, because of increased spending on staff and marketing relating to its growth ambitions."
Something is still not quite right...
Employment costs is up only 360k but there's an additional 41 peeps in Administration 🤷♂️🤔
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• #16616
Cov E has his deerstalker on..
This reminds me of just before 2008 and Barclays moving to Canary Wharf and the perception that the CEO (& senior staff) might have been distracted.. see also the 'Edifice Complex'
https://www.ipglossary.com/glossary/edifice-complex/My favourite example from the above linked is 'Yahoo'.
• #16617
If you look in the "Company" columns headcount there went up 25 but cost went down £1m.
I think the answer is there's not enough detail in these numbers to learn anything much.
Oddly the Ashford factory move isn't mentioned anywhere or alluded to in any way that I can see.
• #16618
It's the lack of disclosure which is bothering me.
We used to joke back in my PwC days, 'In cash we trust, everything else we audit!'
• #16619
A bike company breaking even at the moment is doing pretty well. I didn't realise APAC was such a big market for Bromptons but surprised they've not got a bit more going on in the US.
Accounts employee numbers are pretty unreliable indicators as there's no distinguishing between full and part time staff in that figure.
• #16620
surprised they've not got a bit more going on in the US.
Bromptons are good for taking on public transport. Americans don't use public transport
• #16621
This is why the g-line, it’s for taking in the boot of your car…
• #16622
...and rising internal politics...
They have spunked it all on seating plans and arguing over said seating plans
• #16623
Super fashionable out here in Asia.
• #16624
Think I bought the last 2.
• #16625
Talking of Asia
1 Attachment
There's not really anywhere sensible to mount a wide rear light when you have one of these. I have a Secula on the right seat stay.