Digital photography

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  • Ok, so I'm going skiing and want to get some really, really good photos of the trip. I'm also a student so have quite a stringent budget.

    I'm thinking entering the world of DSLRs, and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions:

    Basically, needs to have good shutter speed, and be bulletproof

    1) which one?

    2)stores to look at

    3) should i just get a decent digital camera (with good optical zoom) and make sure thats as good as possible

  • A DSLR on the slopes? Are you sure?

    I'd recommend getting something handier, that you can chuck into a pocket. I have a Casio Exilim and it is perfect for being out and about - takes decent photos.

  • yeah,
    its more for the park days we're going to be having.
    Also the handiness ain't the issue (am going to be backpacking it mostly).

  • In which case I hear that the Canon DSLR series are great. Used a 400D for a week a few weeks ago, and I gotta say it was brilliant. Had to give it back though... and they cost rather a lot so I canna afford that AND my bike habit.

    350D supposed to be decent - don't know about any other brands, but I have always been a Canon man for SLR.

  • wish my budget was that stringent

  • Refurb? I'd prefer to buy something expensive and electronic from places other than ebay. Seems to be okay seller though.

  • what do you mean by a good shutter speed?
    i like 1/125 but sometimes on shoots i go to 1/500 just because i can.

  • just get canon, a powershot would do for you...i guess. But get you ass on tottenham court road and get a bargain from there, if you're stubborn enough you'll walk out of there with a wicked deal.

  • I work for Hasselblad may I recommend a H3D39 Mk2 I could probably get you a discount???

  • you would be better off with a phase one p45+ as the capture software is way better than flexcolour, the fuji made lenses on the HD3 aren't a patch on the older zeiss lenses used on a c series body.

  • and how much do those cost?

  • £18000

  • ekzackary sir i thought he was on a budget...

  • 400d for an entry level canon dslr. the stock lens is pants though

    d50 for nikon. good basic dslr with decent 18-55 (?) lens.
    d80 with the 18-70 if you can stretch that far. brilliant camera and excellent lens.

  • MrSmith you would be better off with a phase one p45+ as the capture software is way better than flexcolour, the fuji made lenses on the HD3 aren't a patch on the older zeiss lenses used on a c series body.

    P45+ backs are poo in comparison to Imacon/hasselblad backs even though they use the same kodak chip. Flexcolour is shit and capture is much better I agree. We use both and the quality of the Hasselblad is much better than the p45+. The only reason people like the p45+ is the software.

    They are selling for a snip at £18,000 (lens not included)

    Will swap for arrospok

  • Try The Flash Centre in the Brunswick Centre in Bloomsbury, they specialise in Canon and have lots of stock, including some stuff from previous years on the cheap.

  • Will have about 12 canon eos 1ds mk2's and 4 nikon d2x's for sale soon, maybe mid December!

  • you would say that as you work for hasselblad :-) i know 1 imacon owner for every 8 phase one owner.
    photographers don't invest £18k on something that's shit.
    and why does the pro-center (hassleblad uk) now hire out a p45 back? they'll be hiring arrospokes next :-)

  • Why does it have to be digital? I know im a miserable cunt and like old stuff but i wouldn't swap my FM2 for anything. Don't have to worry about batteries out on the slopes neither.....and film stuff is cheap as chips these days. Which is always appealing.

  • compact canon ixus75 or more £'s 400d

  • MrSmith you would say that as you work for hasselblad :-) i know 1 imacon owner for every 8 phase one owner.
    photographers don't invest £18k on something that's shit.
    and why does the pro-center (hassleblad uk) now hire out a p45 back? they'll be hiring arrospokes next :-)

    Haha thats funny they've had 2 p45+'s for two months and they just sit on the shelve. By the way I don't shoot digital I still prefer film. (5x4, 10x8)

    We did a test with the leaf, phase and Hasselblad backs With people from Leaf and Hasselblad (Phase would not come) and everyone agreed that the blad back was better quality, the Leaf was faster and the Phase was way shit.

  • mush Will have about 12 canon eos 1ds mk2's and 4 nikon d2x's for sale soon, maybe mid December!

    How much for the Canons?

  • Dunno yet Ask me Mid December assuming the Eos 1DS mk111 is out by then....

  • the reason they sit on the shelves is people hire phase from the flash center/kinetics/teamwork/metro direct etc. if you want imacon/hass you rent from you at the pro center or ixpress-hire. my opinion is based on years of digital assisting using HD leaf and P backs and now as a full time photographer using digital kit nearly every day not reading the reviews on fanboy websites run by rich bearded amateurs.

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Digital photography

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