• #15727
Well fuckaduck
• #15728
Those Sire look good
That Yamaha is tasty! Still fancy the Peter Hook BB signature but I don't think they come up very often
• #15729
I went to Absolute Music in Bournemouth on Tuesday to see a Mike Dawes clinic. What a show. Will definitely be trying to get tickets to his national tour.
He played a couple of full length songs but the rest of the nearly 90 minutes was spent explaining how he does what he does and talking about his gear and life on the road. Tickets were a tenner. Bargain!! -
• #15730
Anyone got a Bad Cat amp? Fuck me that Cub 20w combo sounds incredible 💥
30:40 ish
• #15731
Guild Starfire
Absolutely love those. The guitarist from Jesse Sykes and The Sweet Hereafter plays one and he makes it sound like it's weeping. I never thought the hollow body could make much of a difference but I can't imagine that sound coming out of a solid body guitar.
• #15732
I'm seeing him live in March. Can't wait.
• #15733
I tried one in Andertons. It was nice but pricey.
• #15734
I’ve just booked for the aldershot gig in April.
• #15735
Yeah that's a pretty standard setup for a passive P/J style. Top two allow you to make a mix of the two pickup volumes to get a blend you like the output of. Can go with both at full/same level, one completely off to get just one pickup or a mix blend as you like. Then the bottom is the tone of that output mix that you've got.
• #15736
Flats, neck pup full, bridge pup & tone all the way down 👍
I like Yamaha basses - really fancied one a few years ago with the metal control plate & 5-piece neck!
• #15737
I picked up my cheap little Tokai strat for the first time in ages today, just been noodling on the couch with it. Such a great little guitar, strats are bloody annoying like that. #ihatestrats
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• #15738
Who mentioned Sire P basses? Damn you, you've got me gassing on this
• #15739
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• #15740
• #15741
Anyone know anything about Jim Reed? His website looks a bit nuts. This just popped up on MarketPlace, I shouldn't even be looking but I can't resist...
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• #15742
Someone change the title of this thread pls.
• #15743
Picked up a MXR Timmy.
Great pedal.
Can throw my Maxon TS in the bin
• #15744
Cheap cheap.
I had a Jim Reed tele back in the day. Was billy basic.
• #15745
Cool, I've never come across them before. Love that body shape.
• #15746
Is that a copy of a mid 60s Eko Rokes bass? I think Eastwood did one too but with a regrettable tunomatic arrangement and a modern-looking pickup.
I came across a super-cool Framus 5/156 bass in some dodgy shop on Chalk Farm Road at the weekend. It actually sounded pretty good but the strings were so crazily close together at the bridge that I don't think I'd ever play it. Plus the price was a piss take obvs.
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• #15747
Recommendations for an under the desk pedalboard? I've looked several times and I get totally bogged down with option disease. It won't go anywhere, won't have to be moved, I've got an external power supply. Maybe large enough for 6-8 boss sized pedals?
• #15748
I've just put some £4 rubber feet on a piece of birch ply that was a shelf in my old flat, for an upstairs pedalboard that won't get moved. Can highly recommend this very affordable pedalboard brand.
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• #15749
Actually that's a good idea, I could do that. Doesn't need to be fancy at all. Cheers.
• #15750
That's not a bad shout. I want to put together a mini-pedal mini board for my living room noodling set-up (into that Vox AC-4). Might just do down the ply and velcro route as well. Thiking I need tuner, overdrive, fuzz and reverb.
I got a Yamaha bass guitar and I cannot for the life of me work out what any of the knobs actually do...