• #20927
No, it shouldn't look like that.
• #20928
What with all the end of days stuff… what is ttf doing about this government bill? I’ve not been on there in ages but I just looked and couldn’t see anything… carrying on oblivious?
• #20929
carrying on oblivious?
Just like the sport 🙂
• #20930
when will the next season's events be listed on ctt?
• #20931
15th Jan
• #20932
Let me know if you want the ebook version to flick through, will dig out the link
• #20934
I don't remember if there was a thread for it but I have one of @gbj_tester bar end plugs for filling an empty extension if you're a fixed TT rider. I never actually installed it so it's sat here unused.
I don't know how much they were but I presume selling it won't even make me enough for a beer? Are fixed TTs still a thing?
• #20935
Are fixed TTs still a thing?
They are, I did some 🙂
• #20936
I've funnily enough just been setting up my fixed TT bike for this season.. hoping I can make up for lack of fitness and flexibility with novelty factor.
• #20937
The closest I got was riding the Shiv on the turbo a bit.
Didn't even prance around town in my skinsuit for LOLs on NYE.
• #20938
Do you need a super duper bar end plug? :)
• #20939
Anyone fancy a Met Codatronca size medium. Worn twice, my nose rubs on the visor sadly.
Still got the original box somewhere.
£75 posted.
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• #20942
Can't be too fast or I'll start getting ideas I'm in shape.
• #20943
don't remember if there was a thread for it
More of a brief derail in the aero thread
• #20944
Nice one, cheers!
Also tight fit
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