• #24202
No stop bath
..why? Just lazy, or because you want to kill the fixer more quickly? 🙂
• #24203
Oh sorry I do a rinse with 20deg water actually. Someone, on here maybe(?), mentioned stop was a bit unnecessary so I stopped stopping.
• #24204
..ah, that makes more sense!
Yeah, consensus seems to be that stopping with water is just fine (for film - developing paper is another story) 👍
• #24205
Does anyone have any recent experience / recommendations for processing slide film (E6) in the uk?
• #24206
ran a roll of FP4 through Pentax 67 as a test so I can list for sale, that 105mm lens is magical!
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• #24207
Pentax 67
Big, beautiful, heavy beasts! My wrist begins to ache just thinking of holding one 😅
• #24208
• #24209
Anyone interested in two Portra 400 rolls and a Fuji colour 200 roll? All purchased earlier this summer (remember that...)
£20 posted for all three?
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• #24210
@umop3pisdn will take these
• #24211
I have a freezer full but yeah... Go on.
• #24212
That's handy, I can prob drop them through your door if your still in Petersfield.
• #24213
I gotta say I am very sceptical about the analogue af-1. Sounds like it is supposed to pack a lot of amazing features for a
reasonablelow price tag of 399 euros. How come they (think they) can get such a camera manufactured at such a price tag when Pentax and Mint/Rollei have to charge 540 and 850 euros with already established connections to factories and experience in manufacturing and delivering a working camera?
Besides that, they are planning to deliver in June/July and I've not seen a single photo of a test unit, a prototype, parts, or anything.
Huge respect if they pull it off but to me that seems unlikely. -
• #24214
This is great because there are not enough unused analog camera's already
• #24215
The problem with a lot of them is though that you can hardly be sure how well they will work, as they're usually from the eighties or nineties, have often sat around unused for a long time, and the people selling them often do not have the time or interest to really test them, as in: really put a film through it, check whether all the shutter speeds still work, whether the aperture is still working as it should, whether the meter is still on point, whether there are light leaks due to crumbly foam, etc. etc.
And with the compact point and shoots it's almost worse, the good ones are hideously expensive now, even the ones that are banged up (was just searching for Yashica T's and Mju-II's again the other day, prices really are ridiculous), also the electronics can fail from one day to the next, they're also really quite old already.
So long story short I'd rather pay 400 for a new one with warranty than 250 for decade old scratched up one.
• #24216
I'd counter that a lot of compact point and shoots don't have light seal foam or adjustable apertures and are perfectly capable of making lovely images without such things.
I also see lots of people saying they won't touch electronically controlled cameras due to 'fragility'. I read loads of this when I was looking at buying a Hexar RF, everyone was like "mechanical cameras are best, buy a Leica, buy a Leica" but then using a much smaller voice to say "don't leave the lens cap off it though or the daylight will disintegrate the shutter curtain"!
Given that I'd just given my dad back his very electronic Konica FS1 slr which each of us has had a good 20 years of use out of, I considered the Hexar that was half the age to be a gamble worth taking.
• #24217
I'm not saying I won't touch electronics, all the cameras I use these days at least have built-in light meters, some have circuit boards, AE modes, etc.
But with old school SLR's these electronics are rather solidly built, and usually inside a metal camera body that can take quite a beating, whereas all the compact point and shoots are plastic and way more flimsy built - and people have been tossing them around in their backpacks and fanny packs and whatnot since the nineties, so I'm more nervous they will fail.
• #24218
Yeah fair enough.
I think any electronic failures I've had have occured within the first year or two of a camera's life though so maybe if they've been knocking around for 20+ years and still working then they've kinda proven themselves to be fairly robust?!
• #24219
Probably, yes.
I've got a Pentax Espio Mini for example that I bought in mint condition a decade ago, I always treated it very well, it did work reliably - and thus I have no reason to believe it might die on me next week.
But I'm hesistant to drop 200 on a Mju-II that looks like it's been through a lot (and a mint or near-mint one would be 350-400) is all I'm saying; I'd rather buy a new camera for 400-500.
Actually I did take a look again at the Pentax 17, pictures I've seen so far are really quite good - but in the end I'm neither a fan of half frame nor zone focusing, so won't go for it unless I find one for really cheap. -
• #24220
summer snap portra400 on canon ae1
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• #24221
• #24223
That's really good and very weird as a single roll is more and the 35 mm single is even more expensive 🤔?
I would definitely buy it for that price. I was pleasantly surprised the last time I used that film stock. -
• #24224
Yeah, I bought 6 which arrived just now, ordered another 6. Can't go wrong. This was 35mm fomopan 400 pushed to 1,600.
1 Attachment
Kodak Gold 200 / Pentax-M 50mm 1.7