• #21627
Yes. This was 1990. So the victim(s) were probably still alive. Very unfair to exploit them for a rubbish film with pop stars glamourising the Krays, who were both in prison, no doubt enjoying their status. I didn't mind about the Tom Hardy version. I expect everyone involved was dead by then. And at least he can act and made them both look rather unpleasant.
• #21628
perfects days - what a great antidote to all the wham bam thankyou mam cgi action films that abound at the minute.
beautiful little film.
• #21629
Together with Triangle of Sadness, the opposites of 2023 and imo the 2 best films of 2023.
• #21630
Nosferatu - Quite underwhelming for me. Maybe I had too high expectations but I also think there is nothing that hasn't been done when it comes to vampire stories. I still think The Witch is by far his best film
• #21631
Re watched the Godfather for the umpteenth time , a brilliant film , and watched for the first time parts 2 and 3 which I found underwhelming and ridiculous respectively. I should have left them unwatched.
• #21632
Revenge, 2017, same director as The Substance. I found it more gripping. I usually avoid rape-revenge films but in this one the rape wasn't shown.
• #21633
I saw Nosferatu this afternoon. I liked some of the nods to the 1922 film in the cinematography. I would have preferred the characters to speak German in Germany, I doubt it would sell as many tickets that way though.
• #21634
Baby Girl. Is a big thing here due to the dutch writer/director, but have to say it was pretty decent. Think I even recommend it.
• #21635
Has anyone seen the 2024 If? I wonder if it will prompt people to trip over the 1968 If. Which might be very puzzling and upsetting when they see a school shooting treated as humour. Did anyone anticipate that actual school shootings would become an everyday part of life?
• #21637
There is a fixie epic just dropped on Prime, not watched it but bet it has mad skidz, brakless, bombing hills and cans of Asahi (no red stripe) in massive courier bags.
It’s called 'Maybe Die’, scared to watch it in case somebody does.
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20872952/ -
• #21638
Great review on imdb
• #21639
Finally got to see Sing Sing..
Colman Domingo outstanding..
Clarence "Divine Eye" Maclin like many of he co-stars playing themselvesA remarkable film production
• #21640
Didn't most people read the book at an impressionable young age?
• #21641
Loved Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat, with great footage, soundtrack, editing and typography...would definitely recommend.
Think of Summer of Soul crossed with an Adam Curtis film
• #21642
Yeah, I thought it was familiar. My wife remembers it from school, but not the harrowing details, fortunately
• #21643
I remember liking it and it making an impression when I read it, but I wouldn't have been able to recall every detail. The funny thing is I think most children (thankfully) just don't really understand abuse and death in the way you might as and adult so it isn't traumatising.
• #21644
Finally watched whiplash yesterday. Didn't expect that. Really good though.
• #21645
Watched Sideways last night (Disney). Missed it when it came out. OH went to bed, but I enjoyed it.
Did feel like a Cali wine promo at some points.
• #21646
It's great isn't it.
• #21647
Great film. Watch The Holdovers by the same director if you haven't already!
• #21648
Cheers. I'll check it out.
• #21649
Definitely, but the abuse is still haunting my mind.
• #21650
I saw this at the ICA this afternoon on your recommendation, what a fantastic piece of work.
I did similar. I walked from Hackney, found myself in Leicester Square, Prince Charles cinema was showing the original Terminator so that made up for a shit night. 😁