• #16977
log it with po po
• #16979
DM me the details of who it is, and if I have a way to figure out who it is I shall let them know.
• #16981
NOTICE: if you're the person I just text messaged, this conversation ^ is about you. Check your DMs.
• #16982
Thanks boss!
• #16983
The person is aware, and has already seen it themselves via the place it's being listed, and will come into the DM soon (I guess they're at work, and... doing work?).
• #16984
Cunt….ive asked him. Local barber seems to know everything!
• #16985
Had my Grey Charge Grater 0 Single Speed Bike stolen from bike shelter within a communal garden in Peckham on Monday 6/1/25. Its been my trusty commuter bike for nearly 10 years so i feel quite upset about the whole thing :( I'm on 07517 849 035 if anyone spots it on any of the sites. Thanks in advance
1 Attachment
• #16986
Anyone lost this? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126571488105?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=eozxdyp7too&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=_FchdZCKRSW&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Seems pretty suss given price, components & general listing.
• #16987
@coppiThat @Velocio @FutureMatt
cheers Gerald, Dee for helping reunite Matt with his cargobike. Matt told me about this the other day. just read the story in this thread. awesome work from coppiThat
the forum comes good again. making London better since 2007
• #16988
Previously for sale on here starting at 200 but that's the posters only post.
The ad is a direct copy and paste from the forum post 6 months ago or so
• #16989
My girlfriend’s bike has been stolen! Very unique and fully custom with pink tape and pink plastic pedals. Should be hard to miss, stolen in UB7 west Drayton. If anyone spots it out or on eBay please let me know I’d really appreciate it!
1 Attachment
Hi all, I’ve seen a bike for sale locally to me which has been listed as stolen recently in this thread. I’ve messaged the forumer with the details this morning but no response - is there anything that I can do, assuming it’s hopeless calling the police?