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  • My personal favourites are the very first bridges ride, which I did geared as I hadn’t built up my fixed, was awaiting the frame. The clearest memory for me was the incremental ratcheting up of the pace as we approached every bridge until everyone was sprinting like we were all trying to win the last stage of the tour. Woke up the next morning so with my legs aching hardly able to move, but with the biggest grin for the rest of the day.

    Other one would be the ride where our journey intersected with the legend that is @Sainsburys_Ed not sure if it was Brighton or Cambridge. But Ed saw us rolling and after a brief conversation, joined us to our destination.
    Oh also @briankwan buying some mickey d’s as we were rolling out of london and waiting until we were halfway to our destination before pulling out cold burger/macmuffin/fries and eating them as we had a rest stop.

    Good times!

  • That was a Southend ride I think. We were just rolling out from the brick lane courts down Bethnal Green Rd when we saw a guy on a fixed legging it the other way. We thought he was a late participant so gave him a shout and he duly turned around and rode with us to Southend. Turns out he didn't know about the ride, had never heard of the forum, and had just been on his way to Saino's to get some milk!

    The next day he joined the forum and a legend was born.


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