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  • the rolling to the stones series were always great. hyde park to stonehenge watch the sun rise ( occasionally ) hug some stones and then see how far you could ride back before your body gave up and hop on a train. sleeping outside salisbury cathedral, full fry up and a pint at a weatherspoons at 8 in the morning in salisbury before the return journey, juggling wizards and warlocks misty mornings on salibury plain lots of good memories.
    the later ones to avebury were also a delight and a bit more chilled. always a good peleton on those rides.

    football stadiums rides were also great. the one with corny sitting down to a full fry up in the middle of a ride in an all day breakfast place will always stay with me. at least he didn't bonk near the end !
    hey up corny !

    marathon ride where JD got himself on breakfast tv with that all time classic line..... hiya

    bridges with 200 riders as mentioned above was a classic. the video crossing the wobbly bridge is ace.

  • rolling to the stones

    Yes. Don't think I'll ever forget the one of those I did!

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