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  • Very interested - great idea!

    My KLF claims to fame:

    1) I was one of the 17 when Bill recorded/deleted it in the Seventeen art gallery on Kingsland Rd.
    2) I once sent them off a cheque for some merch (if you were on the mailing list they used to send out dot matrix printed catalogs) and said that if the thing I ordered had been deleted (like they did all the time - most stuff never even existed to start with) they could burn it. They did and sent me back the ashes...

  • Fantastic. On the subject of burning things, I thought that the ceremony at each location could consist of burning a miniature replica of something JAMs-based, collect the ashes, then bury them all in a container at the final location, with a reference to an Insta (or similar) account where we'll have documented the night's activities, in case someone ever finds it.

    And amazing to have been part of The 17, loved the book.


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