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  • I'm a big fan and would love to do this, I'm off to Spain on the 26th so assuming you do it on the proceeding weekend - 19th - then count me in.

    Other POI's you could include;

    A start at the Village Productions site in Daganham (not much to see tbh) where they recorded DTT then ride in on the A13
    The Land of Oz site at the old Heaven nightclub (Charing Cross Rd x Shaftsbury Avenue)
    The Apollo on Queen Caroline St - where they performed at the Brit Awards
    The Foundry - Great Eastern Street junction with Old Street
    The Townhouse recording studio on Goldhawk Road (WTIL, nice old building)
    The old Sunday Times billboard site in Battersea - it's probably long gone by now though
    Mick's Garage at Crate Brewery - Jimmy Cauty exhibited there last year (good excuse for beer and pizza)

  • Thanks for those suggestions, I'll add them to the prospective list. They're exactly the types of locations I was hoping for. Where did they dump the dead sheep? Maybe I need to invest in some minced lamb for that ceremony.

    Dagenham could be a stretch though!
